Lang Suir - a Ghost of Woman who Died while Giving Birth in Malay and Indonesian Mythology

Illustration of Lang Suir
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The Lang suir, from Malaysian lore, is one of the most feared and deadliest of all banshees of Malaysia. It was believed that woman who died giving birth to their child, who also dies, will become a Lang suir after 40 days. She is described as being hideous with red piercing eyes, sharp claws, very long hair, a decayed face, and huge fangs. She is able to fly and is most often seen wearing a green or white robe. The Lang suir could also shape-shift into an owl. 

She is also vengeful and furious and will go after newborns and pregnant women, drinking their blood, milk, and organs from the inside out causing a very slow death. It was believed that the Lang suir has a hole on the back of her neck used to suck blood. Filling the hole with her hair or cutting her claws will make her human again. To prevent women from turning into a Lang suir many glass beads must be placed in the woman’s mouth. The still-born children of the Lang suir are called Pontianak.
Lang Suir trapped inside bottle
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